
synopis:Site validation spider based on redbot

Mark Nottingham released redbot - a modern replacement for the classic cacheability tester. I’ve been using it at work to audit website performance before releases since proper HTTP caching makes an enormous difference in perceived site performance.

redbot is a focused tool and provides a great deal of detail about at most one page and, optionally, its resources. I wanted to expand the scope to testing an entire site and performing content validation and created which allows you to perform all of those checks by spidering an entire site, receiving a nice HTML report and, optionally, also validating page contents as well.


Display all available options and full help


Generate the report as HTML or text


Save report to a file instead of stdout


Validate HTML using tidylib


Skip media files: <img>, <object>, etc.


Skip resources: <script>, <link>

Skip links whose URL matches the specified regular expression


Save a list of URLs for HTML pages in the specified file


Save a list of URLs for pages resources in the specified file


Specify a location other than stderr


Increase the amount of information displayed or logged