
This project assumes the use of pip, virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper. If you don’t already have them:

easy_install pip
pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
. virtualenvwrapper_bashrc
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs

Once they’re setup you’ll want to create a virtualenv:

mkvirtualenv webtoolbox
add2virtualenv /path/to/webtoolbox

Now you’re ready to install our prerequisites:

pip install -r requirements.pip

Note: Tornado uses pycurl, which may or may not install correctly on a Mac using a simple pip install pycurl. If you encounter problems follow the instructions in the Tornado documentation.

To use the redbot-based tools. This is complicated by the fact that redbot hasn’t been turned into an importable module yet:

pip install -e git://
git clone
add2virtualenv redbot/src